You have reached Mathy's new and improved homepage.
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| Hello folks. If you find anything on this site that doesn't work, please contact me.
This is a work in progress and I hope it will be so for a long, long time to come. Analog Computing asked themselves what they should write about, they thought they had talked about everything there was to talk about. Look what became of them and look what became of us.
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Go to my ...
MyDOS page - All kinds of stuff about and for MyDOS.
BlackBox page - with information on FlashROM upgrade.
ASPI page - ASPI is to your SCSI or IDE interface what a printer driver is to your printer.
Special stuff page - these are mainly utilities and text files.
Wishlist page - my personal Dream Street.
Atari 8 bit boot CD/DVD page - create your own Atari 8 bit boot CD or DVD.
Atari 8 bit meetings page - some information about the Atari 8 bit meetings I visite.
Docs page - Files describing peripheral hardware.
Site map - What's on my site and where can you find it.
Cookie statement - My cookie statement.
This site is dedicated to the Atari 8 bit line (400/800/XL/XLD/XE/XEM/XEP/XEGS). You will find a collection of the knowledge, texts and files I collected over the years. It is my intension to not just copy what other people have on their sites (except maybe for some graphics/pictures), but bring you stuff that you might not know, haven't heard of, or that you have not seen in this combination before. I do believe that MyDOS deserves a page on the net that is dedicated to MyDOS and MyDOS alone. Where MyDOS afficionados, like me, can go and worship the DOS of their choice. :-) There's a lot of information out there that some of you will never have heard of. Or that is common knowledge in Europe, but nobody in Australia, Canada or the USA has ever heard about, or vice versa. The BlackBox and FloppyBoard are great upgrades. But up till now, there was no dedicated page for them. Ever heard of an upgrade that replaces the BB's ROM with a FlashROM? Or read something about how the BB's configuration is stored on disk? One other thing I do believe in very strongly is ASPI. No more tools that run on one harddisk interface only!
And I needed a place to put my CD software for the 8 bit Atari.
You will not however find files that are NOT intended to be run on a real Atari 8 bit computer, unless there is no way around it. There is, for instance, no way to print a PDF or PS file using the 8 bit Atari. And burning a CD or even a DVD on our beloved computer could take a lot of time.
That means no ATR and no XFD files!
Contrary to what I believed before, there are two reasons good reasons for using ATR files: SIO2IDE and Atari 8 bit boot CD/DVD's.
Should you find ZIP files, please contact me, and I will replace them by ARC files. All DOC files are text files, not Word files.
Click here to see the pictures of my main system.
I would like to thank Pioneer Germany who were so kind as to send me a new front panel for my CD-ROM mech. I now have a PLAY/NEXT TRACK key. CDAP has been updated so that pressing it will no longer result in an error. For more information please read the document file.
Here are some links to keep you busy while I figure out how this HTML stuff works.
- ATARI 8 bit related:
- ABBUC - Atari 8 bit user group based in Germany.
Trevor Holyoak's site, with my 1MB memory upgrade.
MyAtari article about my XEGS with (64kB plus) 1MB.
Kevin Savetz' site with all the books you've ever wanted.
Philips CM8833 monitor I found a new link. It's a PDF of the service manual, with the schematics inside.
Funai A-1506 Same as above, but for the Funai A-1506 flat screen monitor.
- Cars and Trucks:
- Elsbett run your Diesel on vegetable oil.
The Dieselpage.
Kinetic, a suspension system.
Torsen Differentials.
- Miscellaneous stuff:
- Modeltrains If you like model trains, you'll love this.
- Modelleisenbahn German version of the same site.
- JVC J-Link Some test results I found (not mine).
- A discussion on the J-Link.
- And the best amusementpark ever: "The Efteling" in Kaatsheuvel, the Netherlands. In Dutch, German, English and French.
- If you, like me, think that windows should be used to look through, you might want try the following link:
- Apple computers
and my Email address (write "feedback from my homepage" in the topic).

This Atari 8-Bit Computer WebRing site is owned by Mathy van Nisselroy.
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Go to my ...
MyDOS page - All kinds of stuff about and for MyDOS.
BlackBox page - with information on FlashROM upgrade.
ASPI page - ASPI is to your SCSI or IDE interface what a printer driver is to your printer.
Special stuff page - these are mainly utilities and text files.
Wishlist page - my personal Dream Street.
Atari 8 bit boot CD/DVD page - create your own Atari 8 bit boot CD or DVD.
Atari 8 bit meetings page - some information about the Atari 8 bit meetings I visite.
Docs page - Files describing peripheral hardware.
Site map - What's on my site and where can you find it.
Cookie statement - My cookie statement.