Mathy's cookie statement
Go to my ...
Home page
MyDOS page - All kinds of stuff about and for MyDOS.
BlackBox page - with information on FlashROM upgrade.
ASPI page - ASPI is to your SCSI or IDE interface what a printer driver is to your printer.
Special stuff page - these are mainly utilities and text files.
Wishlist page - my personal Dream Street.
Atari 8 bit boot CD/DVD page - create your own Atari 8 bit boot CD or DVD.
Atari 8 bit meetings page - some information about the Atari 8 bit meetings I visite.
Docs page - Files describing peripheral hardware.
Site map - What's on my site and where can you find it.
By visiting this site you accept that I like the following cookies:
- Bastognekoekje

- Lange vinger, vingerkoekje, Löffelbiskuit, boudoir, ladyfinger

- Gangmakers (they do look more tasteful in real life)

- Cafe Noir

- Bokkenpootjes

- Jodekoeken. (They are bigger than the picture might suggest)

Sorry, I haven't been able to take photos myself, so I borrowed them from other places.
More cookies will be added to the list once they come to mind.
No, this site is not being sponsored by the people who make and/or sell any of the above cookies. But if they would like to send me some, I would not hold that against them. Sending me cookies however will not make me do anything for you.
Neither the owner nor the designer of this site take any responsibility concerning the effects this page might have on your health, figure, financial situation or marital status!
Go to my ...
Home page
MyDOS page - All kinds of stuff about and for MyDOS.
BlackBox page - with information on FlashROM upgrade.
ASPI page - ASPI is to your SCSI or IDE interface what a printer driver is to your printer.
Special stuff page - these are mainly utilities and text files.
Wishlist page - my personal Dream Street.
Atari 8 bit boot CD/DVD page - create your own Atari 8 bit boot CD or DVD.
Atari 8 bit meetings page - some information about the Atari 8 bit meetings I visite.
Docs page - Files describing peripheral hardware.
Site map - What's on my site and where can you find it.